Our Vision

To create an intentionally diverse and inclusive Christian community, living out Jesus’ call to love and do justice for all of God’s children.

From many threads, one tapestry.

From many streams, one river.

From many branches, one tree.

We are Oakhurst Presbyterian Church USA

  • Who We Are

    Oakhurst Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a diverse community. We are from different places, different religious backgrounds, different lived experiences, different ethnicities, and different abilities, different cultures, different ages, different socio-economic levels and we strive to honor them all.

  • All Are Welcome

    We are a welcoming and affirming community and welcome everyone. Nobody is denied a seat at the table. We are a truly multiracial congregation willing to have difficult discussions to worship and witness together as children of God. We are a More Light Presbyterian Church.

  • Faith Formation

    Our life together has led us to affirm our call to be one family through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our sermons are not always comfortable as we boldly face demands of the world. We are actively seeking transformation as a people of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.